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Stalled Felony DUI Bill Passes Tough Key Colorado Test

Stalled Felony DUI Bill Passes Tough Key Colorado Test

Big news out of the Capitol as the felony DUI bill has moved another step forward. Information about the bill can be found below, but as this bill keeps pushing forward, it will make legal representation from a Denver DUI lawyer even more important if you're suspected of a DUI.

Text from CBS Denver article:

"A bill to create a felony drunk driving law in Colorado has advanced at the state Capitol. The bill would impose harsher punishments on repeat drunk drivers.

The billbs sponsors wrapped up testimony at the state senate on Tuesday morning.

The bill would make it a felony to drive drunk after your third DUI in seven years or your fourth in a lifetime.

Currently in Colorado, a DUI is not a felony offense unless someone is killed as a result.

Both opponents and supporters of the bill testified in front of lawmakers.

Critics believe the bill doesnbt do enough to treat alcoholism and prevent future DUIs.

bFor my story today I just want to let you know that simply intensifying the penalties for DUI is not going to help. We need rehab and help for people who donbt realize they have that alcohol problem,b