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License Suspension

Denver Suspended License Attorney

License Suspension in Colorado

For many people, the ability to drive is an important aspect of everyday life. The drive to go to work, school, stores, recreational activities, etc. If someone commits a traffic offense that results in license suspension or revocation, it can have a tremendous impact on your personal and professional life. Let our Denver criminal defense attorneys at The Orr Law Firm protect your rights and future immediately.

When Will My Driver's License Get Suspended?

Accumulating points on your Colorado driver’s license can be frightening. While traffic offenses may seem minor, it is imperative not to underestimate them and fulfill the instructions and requirements on a tick as soon as possible. Depending on the circumstances of your traffic violation, adding points on your license can result in suspension.

If you are an adult driver over 21 years of age or older, it takes 12 points in any 12 consecutive months or 18 points in any 24 consecutive months to get your license suspended. If you are a minor driver between the ages of 18 and 20 years old, it takes nine points in any 12 consecutive months or 12 points in any 24 consecutive months to get your license suspended.

If you accumulate enough points to have your driver’s license suspended, the DMV will send a notice to appear for a hearing to your residence. Failure to appear for that hearing will result in a one-year driver’s license suspension.

Protect Your Driving Record Today

While it may appear to be an arduous task, you possess the legal rights and options to defend your driving privileges. With decades of experience, The Orr Law Firm understands what it takes to obtain the most favorable outcome possible.

Contact usand request a free consultation.