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Penalties for Underage Drinking & Driving in Colorado


Across the United States, the legal age to consume alcohol is 21. Until someone reaches this age, they are subject to Colorado’s “zero tolerance” policy for underage drinking.

This means that if someone younger than 21 is arrested for a DUI and has any amount of alcohol in their system (starting at 0.02% BAC), they can face an Underage Drinking and Driving (UDD) charge. Greater BAC readings can result in DWAI or actual DUI charges.

UDD Penalties: First, Second & Third Offenses

If a driver is underage and has a BAC of up to 0.05%, they may be charged with UDD. Like other drunken driving offenses, UDD penalties depend upon any prior convictions.

First Offense UDD

A first offense UDD is a Class A traffic infraction. Violators won’t face jail time, but they can be sentenced to up to 24 hours of public service. They can also face fines of up to $100, four points against their driving record, and a three-month revocation of their driver’s license. The court can also compel the defendant to participate in an alcohol/drug education and treatment program.

Second Offense UDD

A second offense UDD is a Class 2 traffic misdemeanor. It carries the possibility of up to 90 days in jail and/or up to $300 in fines. A judge can also order up to 24 hours of public service and mandatory participation in an alcohol/drug education and treatment program. Defendants will suffer four points against their DMV driving records and a six-month revocation of their driver’s licenses.

Third/Subsequent Offense UDD

A third UDD offense, and any more after, are also Class 2 traffic misdemeanors. It carries all of the same possible penalties of a Second Offense UDD, with the exception of a one-year driver’s license revocation.

Arrested for UDD? We Can Help.

The attorneys at Orr Law Firm have represented many clients accused of driving while intoxicated. We understand the laws and issues surrounding this topic and can provide the legal support necessary to help you fight your charges.

Take a chance at fighting against your charges – contact Orr Law Firm online now to get started.
