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4 Most Common Construction Hazards

Construction Hazards

Working in construction means having to face many hazards daily as part of your job. Even if you wear protective gear and follow all safety guidelines, there is still a chance you could sustain a serious or catastrophic injury or even tragically die. 

In fact, over 20 percent of all work-related deaths in the U.S. occur in the construction industry. According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), there are four leading causes of workplace death in the construction industry, which is commonly known as the “Fatal Four.” 

The following are the four most common construction hazards in the country, according to OSHA: 

  • Falls – From great heights and slippery surfaces to unprotected holes or unstable ladders or scaffolding, falls account for more than 36 percent of all construction accident deaths in the United States. To prevent falls, OSHA suggests using and wear personal fall arrest equipment, install and maintain perimeter protection, safely use ladders and scaffolds, and cover and secure any floor openings. 

  • Struck by an object – Approximately 10 percent of construction fatalities involve falling or swinging objects. Common causes and objects include loose or shifting materials, rigging malfunctions, equipment failure, or being struck by equipment or vehicles. OSHA advises construction workers to never position themselves between fixed and moving objects and wear bright and visible clothing near machinery and vehicles. 

  • Electrocutions – Over eight percent of construction workers are killed because of electrocutions. Common causes of electrocution include exposed wiring, wet conditions near exposed outlets, and contact with circuits, conductors, and power lines. OSHA suggests workers should find all utilities prior to working, identify overhead power lines and maintain a safe distance, protect themselves with ground-fault interrupters, check electric tools to ensure they are double insulated and grounded, and maintain alertness when using ladders, scaffolds, and other types of construction platforms. 

  • Being caught-in/between objects – More than two percent of construction workers die from being caught in or between objects, from heavy machinery and vehicles to construction tools and other devices. Common examples of this type of accident includes collapsing materials or structures, collapsing trenches, or being caught in between moving equipment. OSHA instructs workers to ensure all trenches are protected and have a proper protective system in place. 

If you or a loved one has been injured by a third-party in a construction accident in Denver, contact our experienced personal injury lawyers Orr Law Firm today for a free initial consultation.