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Colorado Law Enforcement Increases DUI Arrests Over the Holidays

Colorado Law Enforcement Increases DUI Arrests Over the Holidays

The holiday season always sees a rise in DUI incidents, but with DUI-related deaths especially high this year, law enforcement has become particularly strict. During Thanksgiving and Christmastime families and friends tend to gather more frequently for holiday parties, work events, get-togethers, and the like. At such events, alcohol is commonly in attendance and leads to an increase in impaired drivers. The Colorado State Patrol has answered this issue by increasing patrols throughout the holidays as a part of The Heat Is On campaign.

Various law departments throughout Colorado have joined in to increase patrols in the holiday season in an effort to decrease the number of impaired drivers on the road. As of October of 2017, 193 people have died in DUI accidents in Colorado, whereas 170 were recorded dead at the same time last year. Due to this rise, officers have become more aggressive in making arrests on the road.

According to the Colorado Department of Transportation, 120 agencies throughout the state have increased their patrols. Between November 17th and 27th, The Heat Is On campaign led to the arrest of 613 drivers throughout Colorado, compared to 522 during the same period the previous year.

The Heat Is On campaign will continue again this winter from December 1st through the 11th. Last year law enforcement agencies arrested 568 impaired drivers over the 10-day period, and hope to stop even more this year. This campaign also focuses on 12 other enforcement periods throughout the year when drinking and driving is likely to be on the rise.

To learn more about the increase in holiday patrols, visit the Colorado Department of Transportation online.

With law enforcement throughout Colorado cracking down on impaired driving, it is important that you protect yourself from potential arrests. Officials warn that even after 1 drink drivers should appoint a sober driver to avoid arrest. DUI charges can be life-altering. A DUI arrest could impact your personal life, your professional life, and may cost upwards of $13,500 in legal fees, fines, and increased insurance costs.

If you were arrested for driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol in Colorado, our DUI attorneys can help. Contact Orr Law Firm to request a free consultation.
